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Research & DevelopmentEconomyInfrastructure reading time: 6 min publication date: 28.02.2020


© Helge Bauer
SAL Forscher untersucht Elektroprodukt im Reinraum

The most modern research cleanroom in the country will be built at the tpv Technology Park Villach site, in Building B02 of the High Tech Campus Villach. The provincial and federal governments are co-financing this €14 million project.

Fantastic news for Villach as a location for research: Austria’s largest research cleanroom will be built at the High Tech Campus in St. Magdalen - an area of nearly 3000 square meters and at a cost of €14 million. Cleanrooms are needed for cutting-edge research in the areas of micro- and nanoelectronics.

The new facility will enhance the Villach site of the nationwide research initiative “Silicon Austria Labs” (SAL). One hundred sixty scientists should be working at SAL by 2023. In total, €112 million goes into this location. 

Villach’s Research Officer and Vice Mayor Irene Hochstetter-Lackner is pleased by the financial commitments for the cleanroom:

Welcome2Villach Zitat

This step strengthens Villach’s position as an internationally-renowned high-tech city. At the moment in this sector in Villach there are about €1,8 billion worth of investments being made. By now more than 17% of the people in Villach work in the high-tech sector - an extremely high number, and one that will continue to increase.


- Irene Hochstetter-Lackner

In close cooperation with regional businesses, Villach has succeeded in developing an economic model that holds great promise for the future.

The SAL research center should not only function as a driver of innovation for Carinthia, but through its influence should also draw qualified researchers from across European borders. Governor Peter Kaiser and Lieutenant Governor Gaby Schaunig justify the expansion by noting, “The creation of the laboratory has enabled the installation of important next-generation research equipment. In this way we can create a significant technological edge for Villach’s SAL location, which can guarantee even better results for research and development.”