In one year the Technology Park’s new “EMV lab” for testing electronic compatibility should be finished.
The project by Lendarchitektur in Klagenfurt was chosen as the winner of the design competition, which had the aim of best integrating the new “EMV” lab into the Technology Park’s existing building complex.Construction has already begun, and the new laboratory will be a testing and measuring center for electromagnetic compatibility. Herbert Kotschnig, Deputy Managing Director of the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, sums up the competition jury's decision: "The very contemporary façade of the building and the overall construction of the winning project are convincing in terms of sustainability and speak for economic efficiency.”
The new EMV laboratory will complement the existing facilities at tpv Technology Park Villach perfectly.
- Mayor Günther Albel
“In Villach we can offer our children the best possible educational opportunities.The amazing partnership with CUAS ensures that we can also meet modern educational requirements in higher education,” says Education and Technology Advisor and Deputy Mayor Irene Hochstetter-Lackner. “Only those who adapt to developments can meet new requirements. CUAS has recognized this and is ideally positioned for future challenges,” says City Councilor Christian Pober.