Berufs- und Bildungsorientierung Kärnten
On behalf of the Public Employment Service Austria (AMS) and the Province of Carinthia, the Berufs- und Bildungsorientierung Kärnten (BBOK) (Career and Educational Guidance of Carinthia) develops and organizes projects and events on important issues around career and educational guidance. The offerings are aimed at teachers and parents of 7th, 8th, and 11th grade students in middle schools and high schools in all of Carinthia.
BBOK has been around since 2009 and is a cooperative initiative of the Public Employment Service Austria, the province government, the Austrian Chamber of Labour (Arbeiterkammer), the Austrian Federation of Trade Unions (Österreichischem Gewerkschaftsbund), the Economic Chamber (Wirtschaftskammer), the Federation of Austrian Industry (Industriellenvereinigung), and the Educational Board (Landesschulrat). It is financed by the Public Employment Service Austria, the Province of Carinthia, and the Federation of Austrian Industry.
The common goal of all these initiators is to enable youths and young adults to develop the competencies that will allow them to make thoughtful and conscious education and career decisions. BBOK works in a network with schools - education - the professional world.